Monday, January 18, 2010

Apple invites press to see 'our latest creation'

Apple Inc. will host a much-anticipated press event January 27 in San Francisco, California. The e-mail invitation shows an image of bright colors splashed around an Apple logo. It does not show photos of products or specify what products Apple will discuss at the event Apple has a history of game-changing product announcements. The Cupertino, California-based company also has a reputation for being tight-lipped about its plans. The company has not commented on the frenzy of rumors about its supposedly upcoming tablet computer.

Apple is such a big company they could put out anything and people will by it.

Haiti quake survivor: Sharing hope, talk, and a Tootsie Pop

50 hours trapped in a space as tight as a coffin under what was once a hotel. The guys who were under the rubbish and wood help each other out by talking to each other and convinced each other that some one will find them.

The group used their cell phones to illuminate the space. Santos said only one of his colleagues could move, and she looked for air spaces and light. A voice they heard so they started yelling trying to yell so hard that they could be heard.

How can someone do this it is great that they can survive that long underneath all of that stuff. It hurts so know how many people are dealing with this terrible incident.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Miley Cyrus Is Not Engaged

Miley's not engaged, Hannah Montana star, 17, was caught in L.A. on Thursday wearing a sparkly ring on her left hand.

Rumors immediately began to spread that she and her 19-year-old Australian boyfriend and Last Song costar, Liam Hemsworth, 19, may be getting married.

Though the singer will be leaving her hit Disney Channel TV show next year, Cyrus begins production on the last season Monday and is not committing to have a plus one for life yet.

To much drama about stupid celebrities do people really care about what Miley does? Why can't people fus about regular people that is what i don't like about how people get so worked up about stupid stuff when there are better things to worry about.

7 trips you should never book online

Some vacations should never be booked through anyone but a travel agent, and a honeymoon is arguably one of them. But there are others, too, as travelers like Fletcher are discovering.

A recent Forrester Research study suggests there's something of a backlash when it comes to booking travel online. It concludes 15 percent fewer travelers will use the Web in 2009, compared with two years ago -- a finding that comforts many travel agents who previously saw themselves on the endangered list.

Cruising Travel agents remain your best bet for a floating vacation.

Traveling around the world

An around-the-the-world itinerary is usually far more complex than a straight-up round-trip airline ticket. Travel agents are best suited to these kinds of vacations.
When you don't have the time

If you work with a travel agent who knows your preferences, you might consider outsourcing the research for your next vacation.

If you're uncomfortable with the inter-Web
Don't do it.
Traveling internationally
Find a travel professional that specializes in the place you're going.
Special event

Some information about traveling is a good thing but some are stupid like this i don't like any of this information i think it's dumb.

Where bodies go after natural disasters

Trucks bringing bodies and furniture and house things to a pit where trucks dumb everything into piles that have gotten destroyed by Haiti's earthquake. Through out the streets people are covering their noses because of the stench of the dead crumbling bodies. The fear of disease is frequently the reason for rapidly burying bodies in mass graves.In cases of mass graves, teams should at least document or photograph the individual for future identification, he said. Kenyon has deployed an emergency response assessment team to Haiti. Ciaccio was part of the crew that responded to the tsunami in Southeast Asia in 2004 and New Orleans, Louisiana, after Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

It is scary to think about this earthquake and how people are dealing with the dead bodies in streets and having to deal with it. It is also gross to think that things are going around going to spread diseases from the dead.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Putting Welfare to work

Decreasing? That never sounds good in any situation. After more than ten years of welfare reform and decreasing numbers of TANF cases, more people would argue for going back to the old no-strings-attached cash assistance program.. The number of people receiving welfare benefits has plummeted. More poor single mothers are working. Many families use food stamps,to help needy individuals and families with incomes below certain levels. Child support collections have increased. Yet poverty persists.43 percent of those living in poverty took in income equal to half or less of $19,350. About 2.5 million families have left the welfare program, and by getting many of them into the labor force, TANF has successfully moved them toward long-term self-sufficiency.While admitting that the jobs are often low-paying, advocates stress that as workers gain skills and experience, their earnings will increase.Supporters acknowledge that some people, especially single mothers, have fallen through the cracks. That's why, they say, the government should enact stricter work require­ments and encourage marriage for those with children through efforts such as funding marriage skills courses and divorce reduction programs.

In my opinion i think everyone can work. I think welfare should go to the needist families. Evan though families are very needy and need help i still think a person in the house hold can work. Teenagers have the ability to work, go to school, and have a social life and still can do better than families who need welfare. Sometimes i think that families who are on welfare, food stamps sometimes they are just to lazy or think they can't get a job cause what they are going though.

Article #1

Monday, November 30, 2009

Manhunt on for suspect in cop shootings

On Monday police went searching for a man that killed four police officer. Before the shooting Maurice threaten police that he was going to kill them. Authorities were summoned to the Leschi area about 8:45 p.m. Sunday after a tip that Clemmons was dropped off in the area. The police blocked off the streets and had neighbors lock their doors. The police also made an alert the the University of Washington on edge.Clemmons was given a 95-year prison sentence.
This is what our world has came too having killers on the run. It's pretty scary thing to think about. It's funny/sad to think about that the cops were killed in a coffee shop.