Sunday, October 11, 2009

War Dollars

The national debt is affecting the choices we take to spread out money to the areas, like the war. The war is contributing to the national deficit which is climbing more and more every year. The congress has used the "power of the purse" to cap what they spent on the war every year. There is one side of the issue that people want the congress to apply the "power of the purse" so they don't give as much money to the war troops. The other side wants to the congress to stop using the power of the purse so they spend more money for the troops in Iraq but it will increase the national debt and deficit.

In my opinion the congress should applied the power of purse bill because we are spending to much money in a war that shouldn't be going on. We are just spending money on infrastructure in Iraq. We could be saving the money for getting us out of the 12 trillion dollars debt. Another reason would be because we keep sending troops in and not pulling troops out of Iraq. This also effects the national debt and deficit. Some more reasons we wouldn't have to spend money on bring supplies to Iraq all the time. In turn we can be putting this money we are saving into more important areas that need money. For example education would be a alternative.

Issue #2: Spending What We Can Afford
Issue #3:Social Insecurity

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