Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Issue #1 Comprehensive vs.Incremental Health Care Reform

President Bush's health care reform proposal has intensified the current debate over whether the U.S. health care system requires incremental or comprehensive reform. But some analysts say that those terms are merely political instruments in a much broader debate on U.S. social policy. Supporters of providing universal health care argue that the best way to ensure access to medical care is overhaul the financing of the nation's health care system.They think that decades of government funded provided programs like Medicare and Medicaid have contributed to the increased costs of medical care. Many of the supporters for the universal health care say that the government could become a single purchaser, acting on behalf of all patients. Another proposal for comprehensive reform relies on mandating government subsidies in which the poor receive tax credits or money that enables them to purchase insurance.Critics of comprehensive reform do not oppose the idea of health care for all. Changes such as enhancing tax-free Health Savings Accounts and offering tax deductions for people who buy their own health insurance. By making consumers pay greater shares of health care insurance and medical expenses from their own pockets, these policymakers believe that the market will naturally rein in medical costs.

In my opinion i think that the health care is set up to help the elderly people now whats going to happen when my generation gets older? I believe we have a choice to either have it for our self or not. I have noticed that some college kids rather not have health care. They rather wait when their older it is much needed when we are older because we are more liable to get sick. My view on health savings accounts, I don't like the idea. I don't want to be forced to put so much of each of my paychecks into a government account each month. But i no who good it feels to take the opportunity that is invaluable to my family. I'm not sure were i stand with all this yet it really hasn't affected my family. Maybe when I'm older i can understand it more.

ISSUE #2 -Ensuring Quality Care for Medicare Patients

ISSUE #3 - Safe to Eat?Check out Joe's blog for more information: http://jumpingjoeblog.blogspot.com/

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