Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Maine rejects same-sex marriage law

This article is about Supporters of Maine's same-sex marriage law, which voters narrowly repealed, gathered Wednesday to concede the vote but not the issue.It seems in the end that Mainers are not ready to treat these families fairly. Mary Bonauto, a lawyer for Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD), who lives in Maine with her partner and their two children, said she was disappointed by the vote but she felt "a great deal has been gained through this whole process.There were two main reasons the group wanted to repeal the law, which was signed by Gov. John Baldacci on May 6. There was a religious element wanting to continue to define marriage as between a man and a woman, he said, but the group also felt that the legal inequities in domestic partnerships as compared with marriage could be addressed through lawmaking.

In my opinion who cares if you the same sex and want to get married. I say if you love someone no matter what age,color,sex,religion if you want to marry them do it. There shouldn't be a law telling someone not to get married. I'm very proud of states who approve the same sex marriage if i could vote i vote YES!

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